Apsolventkinja na Fakultetu političkih nauka. Radila je kao koordinatorka u Pride Info Centu, gde je imala priliku da direktno radi sa LGBTI + zajednicom. Bila je deo organizacije Beogradskog ponosa 2021 i Europride Beograd Ponos 2022, gde je upravljala i kreirala planove društvenih mreža za Instagram, Facebook, Tvitter i Tiktok. Tokom svog angažovanja, blisko je sarađivala sa volonterkama i volonterima Beograd Prajda i Pride Info Centra. Osnovala je volontersku mrežu u Pride Info Centru i moderirala je različite radionise timbildinga i osnaživanja. Sa svojim kolegom, autorila je priručnik 'Sogi 101'. Rad u Labrisu započela je kao asistentkinja na programu gde je osnovala grupu za podršku za porodice LGBTI + osoba i pronašla ljubav u radu sa Duginim porodicama i zagovaranju za njihov bolji položaj. Dušanka je promovisana u Koordinatorku za program zagovaranja.
A graduated student of the Faculty of Political Sciences, she worked as a coordinator at the Pride Info Center, where she had the opportunity to work directly with the LGBTQI+ community. She was part of the organization of Belgrade Pride 2021 and EuroPride Belgrade Pride 2022, managing and creating social media plans for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. Throughout her engagement, she closely collaborated with volunteers from Belgrade Pride and the Pride Info Center. She founded a volunteer network at the Pride Info Center and moderated various team-building and empowerment workshops. Alongside her colleague, she authored the 'SOGI 101' handbook. She started working with Labris as a program assistant, where she established a support group for families of LGBTQI+ individuals and found passion in working with Rainbow families and advocating for their improved status. Dušanka was promoted to the position of Advocacy Program Coordinator.