Today, at the Old Palace, Head of the City Administration office Sandra Pantelić, ombudsperson of citizens of the City of Belgrade Katarina Žeželj and the advocacy program coordinator for the organization "Labris" Jelena Vasiljević signed a Memorandum of understanding on the prevention of discrimination against and support for LGBT people on the territory of the capital.
Katarina Žeželj pointed out that people in Serbia and in Belgrade are not xenophobic, but she also indicated that sexual orientation and gender identity are a private matter and do not make a person good or bad. She said that the task of the society is to create an approach where LGBT persons would enjoy equal access to all areas in which they wish to exercise their rights.
Advisor for Human and Minority Rights in the Ministry of State Administration and Local Government, Ivana Antić, said that the Ministry, in coordination with the local government, adopted series of measures against discrimination of LGBT persons, with the aim of building a more modern and tolerant society.
Jelena Vasiljević, on the eve of December 10th, the International Day of Human Rights, expressed her satisfaction with the signing of the memorandum, because LGBT persons, as she pointed out, face discrimination on every day basis. She also stated that a memorandum has also been signed with the prosecutors, health institutions and social welfare centers in charge, the National Employment Agency and the civil society organizations from Pančevo, Novi Sad, Subotica, Kragujevac, Niš and Novi Pazar.
The event was also attended by the Secretary for Social Protection Nataša Stanisavljević, the director of the City Center for Social Work Vladimir Ilić, councilors of the City Assembly, as well as representatives of the non-governmental sector.
Source: http://www.beograd.rs/cir/beoinfo/1730513-beograd-protiv-diskriminacije-lgbt-osoba/
Friday, 9th of December 2016