Memorandum of understanding of the Local network for the prevention of discrimination and support for LGBT people in Pančevo has 13 signatories, and it was concluded today in the City Administration office of Pančevo.
The memorandum was signed by representatives of the City of Pančevo, Pančevo Police Department, Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Pančevo, Primary Public Prosecutor's Office in Pančevo, National Service for Employment- office of Pančevo, Center for Social Work of the City of Pančevo, Health center of the City of Pančevo, Home for children "Spomenak" Pančevo , Ombudsperson of the City of Pančevo, Red Cross Pančevo, the Council for Gender Equality of the City of Pančevo, Pančevo Women's peace group and the Association Nova +.
The participants were addressed on this occasion by the Mayor of Pančevo Saša Pavlov, advocacy program coordinator of Labris Jelena Vasiljević and the president of the Council for Gender Equality, MilicaTodorović.
The Mayor pointed out that the signatories of this Memorandum shall act in accordance with the powers and duties that are prescribed by Law and create preconditions for a successful cooperation in the implementation of activities from the Strategy of prevention and protection against discrimination in the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with local policy documents, plans and initiatives, achieving continuity in protection and assistance for LGBT people with experiences of discrimination.
The city of Pančevo was given the great honor of being one of the seven cities and municipalities the civil sector decided to carry out this project in and I am glad that there is confidence in the city of Pančevo, especially from the civil sector, because in this way we are developing the communication with our citizens, and the channel of two-way communication is very important in order to react in a timely manner and to implement measures and activities for which we have gathered here today, and that is the timely resolution of citizens’ problems and our activation in the process, said Pavlov.
As a result of months of preparation, discussion and exchange of opinions, experiences and knowledge on this topic and mutual cooperation, we decided to sign this memorandum, said Milica Todorović.
This Memorandum of understanding means the creation of one local network of all of us who represent an institution to give our contribution, primarily in cooperation with the City, which is in jurisdiction to observe what is happening in our community, to sign this document, and to continue in 2017 to raise awareness of citizens about the fact that there is discrimination and that we all need to act in order to recognize it, stop it and remove the consequences of discrimination and violence, and thus help those who are facing this problem, says Todorović.
Jelena Vasiljević from organization Labris emphasized the importance of signing this memorandum, expressed her satisfaction with the fact that the first agreement is being signed in Pančevo and said:
The country’s transparent position and this step ahead in the protection of our rights is very positively welcomed from our part. If the system functions properly in the future, there will be a reduction of discrimination and violence against LGBT persons on the territory of the city of Pančevo, as well as in Serbia, which will greatly enhance the implementation of the anti-discrimination strategy and the related action plan. You are the ones who operate locally and know the most about the situation on the local level. ", said Vasiljević and thanked all signatories of this memorandum.