Labris and the Local network for the prevention of discrimination and support of LGBT persons in Belgrade invite you to mark together 17th May the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia - IDAHOT.
We are organizing two events that day.
On Wednesday the 17th-May, from 12am to 2pm, we’ll be together at the Republic Square, representatives of all institutions and organizations in the Local network. We release balloons, writing messages against discrimination and homophobia, and informing citizens about the work of Local Network and why their support is important for us. Join us and leave your message of support.
On the same day of 15 o'clock, at the Formal hall at the Old Court (Dragoslava Jovanovića 2), we organize reading of life stories. Representatives of state institutions, signatories of the Memorandum of cooperation, will read the true life stories of LGBT people prepared by Labris and Geyten. Amongst the other stories are read by State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior Biljana Popovic Ivković, Head of the Belgrade City Administration Sandra Pantelić, Deputy head of the Public Prosecutor General Danijela Jokanović.
The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia has been established with the aim of bringing awareness to the decision-makers, the public and the media about the need to combat violence and discrimination against LGBT people and it is marked in over 120 countries around the world. That day is celebrated on May 17th because in 1990, on that day, homosexuality was removed from the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization.
In the Local network for the prevention of discrimination and support of LGBT persons in Belgrade there is the City Administration, the City Center for Social Work, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, the National Employment Service, the Branch Office of Belgrade, the Second Public Prosecutor's Office, the First Public Prosecutor's Office, Ombudsman of the City of Belgrade, organization Geyten, LGBT associations AID +, Haver Serbia, AS Center, Network for Children of Serbia and Labris.
Together Against Discrimination!