LBT activism

Lesbian week
From the 3rd to 9th of September 2001, an Activist gathering of lesbians from the ex-Yugoslavia region under the title...
Lesbian week
from 17th to 22nd October 2000   INTRODUCTION The moment in which I am writing this, due to various...
Lesbian week
Lesbian gathering in Pohorje in 1997 took place from 24th to 30th June 1997. "I can be purchased-only by the sky in...
Working with the community
Međunarodni dan lezbejki se obeležava 8. oktobra širom sveta. To je dan kada se prvi put skrenula pažnja na lezbejska...
Working with the community
Sa 63 posto protiv i 37 posto za u Sloveniji je u nedjelju na referendumu srušen zakon kojim bi istospolni parovi...
Working with the community
Nakon povijesne odluke Vrhovnog suda kojom je 26. lipnja ozakonjena bračna jednakost u svih 50 država SAD-a tamo se...